10 Tips for Pickleball Beginners

10 Tips for Pickleball Beginners

1. Choose the right equipment
If you just want to have fun, you can wear comfortable sports clothes and sneakers. However, if you have badminton shoes or tennis shoes, it would be more appropriate - this is also the type of shoes that experts wear when playing. If you want to play seriously, running shoes are not recommended because they lack protection and are easy to sprain your ankle.
As for the racket, you should check if one is provided at the venue. If you want to buy one yourself, there are still many options online.
2. Understand the basic rules
For your first time playing, take some time to understand the basic rules, including serving, scoring, double bounce, and non-intercepting areas (kitchen areas). The rules of pickleball are relatively simple, and you can understand them well after a few rounds with the experts.
If everyone on the court is a beginner, my suggestion is to not worry about the rules and just play freely.
3. Learn basic batting poses
The grip of the racket varies from person to person, but for most beginners, the grip shown in the figure below is recommended. This means that the thumb of your hand is facing the side of the racket, making it easier to balance both forehand and backhand strokes.
Continental grip
Classic grip
At the same time, lower your center of gravity on the court to facilitate easy movement.
4. Ease of learning
Compared to other racket sports (tennis, badminton, table tennis, etc.), pickleball is relatively easy to learn. You can play for 20 minutes and still have some fun.
Of course, if you have experience in racket sports, you will pick it up faster. If you don't have any experience with racket sports, you may need some time to get used to the feeling of hitting the ball with the racket.
5. Warm up properly
Warming up is often overlooked. Many beginners see experienced players not warming up, but don't forget that their bodies are already adapted.
As a beginner, you don't want to sprain your ankle or twist your ankle during your first game, especially on colder days. Be sure to do some simple warm-up activities to prepare your joints and muscles.
6. Control your strength
A common mistake made by beginners is to use too much force, which easily sends the ball flying or out of bounds. The pickleball court is small, and as long as you use a little force, you can usually hit it across.
Try to relax and hit the ball with steady power. This not only improves accuracy, but also makes the game more fun.
7. Focus on fun
Pickleball is not only a competitive sport, but it is also a social sport designed to bring fun to participants. Don't worry too much about technique or winning, enjoying the game and interacting with others is the most important.
Enjoy it!
8. Observe and learn
On the court, observing more experienced players is a great way to learn. Pay attention to how they move, hit the ball, and position themselves, which will be very helpful to your game.
9. Accept mistakes
As a beginner, making mistakes is inevitable. Especially in doubles, if you make a mistake, you may feel a bit frustrated and hold back your partner.
Mistakes are normal, and you don't need to dwell on every mistake. Focus on the next round and enjoy the process. The important thing is to enjoy it and make progress slowly.
Of course, sometimes you may encounter teammates who complain or blame others. My suggestion is to listen to their advice and not take it too seriously.
10. Interact with others
Don't be shy, try to communicate with other players. Pickleball players are usually very friendly, and you can learn a lot of useful tips and techniques from them in communication.